

BDBF News and Legal Updates

CLIENT ALERT – Major Changes to D.C. Laws Regarding Electronic Scooter Liability


Anyone who has spent time in the District of Columbia in recent years knows firsthand how prevalent electronic scooters have become. Zipping through parks, on sidewalks, and even on streets—they are everywhere.  The D.C. City Council has noticed too. In December 2020, the D.C. City Council passed new laws, which provide D.C. e-scooter users additional...

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Maryland Courts are Reopening as COVID-19 Restrictions Loosen


As of March 15, 2021, Maryland courts are once again open to the public with restrictions in place to enforce social distancing and other CDC guidelines. Courts are holding live non-jury trials and contested hearings in civil and family matters. Of course, certain matters will still be heard via Zoom.   Maryland Across the State...

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Smaller Weddings, Bigger Pre-Nups


During the COVID-19 crisis, we have seen an increased demand for prenuptial agreements (or “prenups”) across all demographics, but particularly among millennials. On average, Americans are waiting longer to get married. This, in turn, means that people are getting married after having accumulated greater wealth and maturity. As a result, people are finding there is...

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Death, Taxes & the Baltimore Orioles


This season, Baltimore Orioles fans find themselves in an all too familiar spot–looking to the future after yet another disappointing season. After spending so many years as AL East bottom dwellers, with one of the lowest team payrolls in baseball, many Orioles fans are hoping team owner and renowned Baltimore attorney, Peter Angelos, will hang a...

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Client Update – Change to Maryland Child Support Laws


The battle over 128 overnights has ended! Many divorcing parents in Maryland fought to obtain 128 overnights of access to a child per year. Having 128 overnights meant that a parent was deemed to have “shared custody” for child support calculations. Less than 128 overnights meant that the other parent was deemed to have “sole custody”...

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Are You Adequately Insured Against Uninsured or Underinsured Drivers?


Unfortunately, it is not unusual for BDBF attorneys to work with injured clients who cannot obtain a full and fair recovery against an at-fault driver. Often this is because the driver who hit them had no insurance or was underinsured. It adds insult to (often literal) injury to an innocent driver who is badly hurt...

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Bouldering Prepares Dan Shaivitz for High Stakes Personal Injury Litigation


BDBF attorney Dan Shaivitz is high on a wall in a climbing gym with no harness and no rope.  He is squeezed onto a razor-sharp handhold with the balance of his weight on his opposite foot.  He hooks his heel over a box-shaped volume to his left.  Taking a deep breath, he raises his right...

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4610 Elm St.

Bethesda, Maryland 20815

Phone:  301-656-1177

Fax:       301-986-9719



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